Supported pricing indexes
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): A global pricing model that compares the cost of a standard basket of goods across countries to account for differences in purchasing power, ensuring price fairness based on local economic conditions. Check this out for more details.
Netflix Price Index: A country-specific pricing metric that compares Netflix subscription costs worldwide, highlighting affordability relative to each country's average income and local pricing strategies. Read this for more.
Spotify Pricing Index: A comparative index that evaluates Spotify subscription costs across regions, adjusting for local currencies and purchasing power to reflect affordability for users in different markets. Check this out for more details.
Big Mac Index: A lighthearted economic indicator that uses the cost of a McDonald's Big Mac burger across countries to measure currency valuation and purchasing power differences globally.
If you would like additional pricing indexes to be available, please reach out via email at
Also, you can create your own pricing index as well, if you want to edit price multiples for a few specific set of countries.
Last updated